Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Nothing is inside, nothing is outside: for what is inside is outside. Rejoice in the true appearance, in the serious game: No living thing is one, it is always many.

2006 ‘Traversing the Colour Circle
with Goethe’ to 58 paragraphs
of Goethe's Theory of Colours
32 colour etchings in Hayter’s
Viscosity Printing
2 watermarked sheets
hand typesetting and letterpress
88 pages, edition of 25
Köhler book cover
36 x 26 cm

2015 Allmannigfalt'ge, Colour Circle
with 6 of Goethe’s Women; Goethe
passed off Marianne von Willemer’s
poems in the West-Eastern Divan
as his own, the poems of Eastwind
Westwind and Highly delighted in
your love appeared under Suleika.
Goethe uses the term Allmannigfalt'ge
for his women just as he called the
change of leaves in the metamorphosis
of plants: ‘You may hide in a thousand
forms’. Handmade paper, colour etchings drawing and handwriting,
flagbook with stitched layer
6 variations, 46 x 36 cm

10. Sheet of 2. one of a kind book 'Séance'
Only from a distance do we realise that Goethe's light is not that of the lighthouse indicating the harbour,
but that of a star that will accompany us on every journey. Carl F. v. Weizsäcker
1. Book: 2004 Concepts, etching and drawing, handwritten: excerpts from Carl F. v. Weizsäcker's epilogue to Goethe's Theory of Colours; 60 pages; private property, 19 x 13 cm
2. Book: 2004 Séance, Goethe's criticism of scientific societies (1797 to 1805) in connection with the non-observance of his Colour lessons. The scholars of the academies are compared to letters that came together under their own name without the spiritual bond of the word. 16 blue handmade sheets with scoopings, drawing and watercolour, 2 variations
3. Book: 2004 Wanderer's Storm Song, Goethe's poem about his walk from Frankfurt to Darmstadt, 8 sheets with drawing
4. Book: 2004 Middle of the Sun, observation of the shadow cast by the sun from J. W. v. Goethe's Theory of Colours, 11 sheets, drawing and collage
5. Book: 2004 Translucent, 9 blue handmade sheets with scoopings, drawing, watercolour and couched text, quoting from Goethe, Wilhelm Meisters Wanderjahre, 1829, 2nd book, 8th chapter
6. Book: 2004 Silver flor 12 blue handmade sheets with scoopings, drawing, watercolour and couched text to Goethe's poem Landscape
7. Book: 2004 Nothing is inside, nothing is outside, for what is inside, that is outside, text applied by hand, Goethe's poem Epirrhema, 9 handmade blue sheets, scoopings, drawing, watercolour, strong linen portfolio with Kozo cover
8. Book: 2004 insane for the light, you are the butterfly and you are gone, from Goethe's poem Holy Longing, 1814 from the West-Eastern Divan and You yearn to wander far beyond from: Proverbs in rhyme and on Epirrhema with scoopings, watercolour and drawing