Continuous Spectrum
The series ‘Continuous Spectrum’, paintings on Kozo paper, each 66 x 49 cm, came into existence from 2000 onwards and was condensed in 2022. The various single sheets came about parallel to my engagement with the shared history of light and consciousness in the artist’s books ‘Herzlicht’, ’Sohar’ and Goethe’s colour circle.
Plant Beds
“With 'Patterned Plant Beds' Barbara Beisinghoff leads us into a world of sensuality. To start with, she engages decidedly with the elemental level of her work, paper that grows beyond its function as a carrier to become a medium, a space for movement. Motifs for images, patterns, dancing letters of the alphabet, colour spectrums, and light effects grow out of this space or, in the case of the watermarks, shine through it.”
Hannelore Schneiderheinze,
Saffron Wings
Saffron Wings, hand-scooped and cast papers. Paper makers used to belong, e.g. in Basle, to the Saffron Guild.

Thought Pictures
“Barbara bans images onto pictures before they can be fixed or expressed as sound. The background of human life is not unequivocal or of one colour but often a complicated filigree pattern. Barbara’s search for the cohesion of things, which she deals with, is a steady flow of energy; its strength transfers to us, the observers, and leads us to observe ourselves. Her art resembles conspicuous natural science which allows a glimpse into the nature of the human spirit”
Dietrich Mahlow, Seeheim, 2003
In the Corona year 2020, I got hold of large canvasses, which had been either rarely or never exhibited, and reworked them.